
Dec 3, 2010

Decorating For The Holidays On A Budget (Merrick)

I love decorating for Christmas, but every year I struggle with our small space, the additional cost on top of gifts, and good ideas that aren't tacky.

Despite my past failed attempts, I was determined to come up with something good. So this year I turned to my new best friend, the dollar store. The store closest to me is The Dollar Tree, and they have an excellent selection of Christmas items -- all for only one dollar! So after a little inspiration from blogs, I made my way to the store and picked up a few fun things. Let me show you what I ended up with:

[three ornament packs, two Dollar Tree vases, one vase I already owned, ribbon from Christmas last year, serving platter I already owned]

[half a pack of ornaments, vase I already owned, candle I already owned, ribbon from last year]

[2 Dollar Tree vases, 1/2 a pack of DT ornaments, 2 packs of DT candy canes, ribbon from last year]

[old picture frame, free printable art from a blog]

[vase I already owned, berry branches from my front yard spray painted white and sprinkled with glitter]

I'm really happy with how these decorations turned out. They're classy and pretty, and best of all I spent less than $10 on everything. It is possible to decorating for the holidays without blowing your budget!

How are you saving on your holiday decorations this year?


Saskia said...

Not living in a place big enough to decorate. No room for a tree - save loads of money! I have a Christmas ornament on my closet door and some candy canes in a glass, that's about it..

Rhi said...

I don't know why I always forget about the dollar store for bulb ornaments. I have one million vases left over from my wedding and I think they'd be cute all lined up with ornaments in them. Great idea!

Rachel said...

Merrick, thanks for posting this! Your decorations are beautiful and you helped me realize that I have vases and ornaments lying around already that I can use to decorate- hooray! I've also bought a bag of yummy smelly pinecones before. I think it was like $5 for the bag and then used them to decorate and make my house (apartment) smell good!

Natalie said...

Oh I JUST barely went to the Dollar store for this stuff today! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who knows to save money this way!

Mary said...

Love, love, love dollar tree! My trick to inexpensive holiday decorating is buying after the holidays! I never buy any holiday decorations until the after christmas sales. A couple of years ago I had my eye on this gorgeous silky type maroon and gold tree skirt, and matching beaded garland and ornaments. I just kept my eye on them and then went the day after Christmas and picked them up for 75% off. We buy lights this way as well and use those to do a lot of our decorating.

I also love visiting my mom at the holiday time because then I rummage through her decorations (she has quite a bit) and find things to "borrow" for the next holiday season.

Unknown said...

Merrick - I loved your ideas!! I never thought about picking up cheaper ornaments and vases from the Dollar Tree. I copied a couple of your ideas, and got so many compliments on how festive my house looked from my friends!!

Jessica said...

I mentioned you in my facebook post on

I've been decking the halls this year with Dollar Tree crafts as well, its my favorite time of year. I love how classy you made everything.

Sincerelyrox said...

I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely loved your craft and I featured it on my blog, It’s, 50 amazing Christmas DIY’s since it’s Christmas in July (: I hope you don’t mind and I wish you a great weekend! Thank you!


Rebecca Gellars said...

Nice blog youu have