
May 28, 2010

June Savings Kickoff

May is almost over, and in June we'd like to do so something new, something a little more interactive.

Each Friday in June, we'll post a list of what each of the three of us has done to save money or live more frugally during the week (increasing 401(k) contributions, using coupons, refraining from buying an item, etc). Some items may have a dollar amount attached, while some may not.

This will help keep us accountable and see what we're doing in our daily lives to save money (and also how it can add up over the course of a month)

And we'd love you to participate too. Each Friday, you can leave a comment informing us of the things you've done to save money or live frugally during the week. At the end, we'll give away a prize to one of the people who participates all four weeks. It will be fun!

Get ready! See you next Friday . . .


  1. Oooh I love this idea! Maybe this will give me the motivation to try to keep on budget over this long weekend while we have friends in town. . .

  2. OOOHHH, this will be fun! This will definitely help motivate me.

  3. FUUUUUUN!!!!!!!So we're starting next june? AWESOME! esp since we're cutting back BIGTIME over the summer (I'm not working) so I'll just share the tips we use!

  4. what a great blog! i am totally a fan now!

  5. I love this idea, but I think we should also be honest and confess what we "lost money" on. :)

    I'm not talking about repair bills, adding to the pantry, or that needed blouse, or even a birthday or anniversary dinner at a nice restaurant. I'm talking about the splurges, the impulse spending, the "oh, why did I buy that?" lost money.

    Just a thought.

  6. PS: Instead of the word honest, I should have said focused or on track - sorry. I'll confess right now. I just went grocery while being extremely hungry. I bought I big cheese cake...

  7. I already have a notebook ready to tackle this one! I just saw my bills from May and freaked...
